Little Arts is pleased to announce the launch of an annual Arts Grant to encourage creativity. Part of the 2024 festival legacy fund is being invested in a scheme to develop the creative skills of local young people and their involvement in the arts. The scheme is primarily targeting young people who are residents of Warbleton parish. Up to £400 annually will be available over the next four years.

1) Encourage and support artistic expression and creative excellence in a young person or groups of young people under 26 years of age.

2) Support the development of a young person’s skills and creativity in   an arts discipline.

3) Enable a young person or a group of young people to engage in artistic activities that will stimulate their creativity and enjoyment of the arts.

The scheme will open for applications on 1st May, 2025.

More details will be published on our website and social media over the next few months. In the meantime, if you want to be kept updated, please email us at: